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How to get the project files for this course?
First, make sure you have a Blend account, and that you've downloaded and installed the Blend Desktop App on your computer.
Then, visit the official Intro to Ableton MOOC page to Pull Erin's two projects. After you pull them, they will appear in your Blend folder.
Having done that, just double click the .als file from the project folder to open it in Ableton Live, and you are ready to start working on your assignment!
How do I publish my assignments to Blend?
To publish your assignments (or any other project) on Blend:

  1. Open your project in Ableton Live, and select File > Save Live Set As... and Browse to save to the Blend folder ~/Blend
  2. Export the audio from Ableton Live as a file named preview.wav (save it into your project folder)
  3. Go to My Projects on Blend to publish the project. Click the name to expand it, add a description and comment, then hit "Publish".

Here's a quick video which shows this:

For more information on publishing projects please see Publishing Projects ยป

See More Topics
How should my assignments be organized in my Blend folder?
The most important step is to save your projects from Ableton directly to the Blend folder. Then, export the audio as a file named preview.wav to the project folder and go to My Projects on Blend to publish your project.

If you followed these steps, your project folder(s) will look like this in your Blend folder. Note that the Ableton Live session file (which has a .als extension) and the preview.wav file are in the same folder:
See More Topics
My published project is missing the audio preview. How do I add it?
To add a preview to your project, you should save the exported audio as a file named preview.wav directly to your project folder (see screenshot above), then go to My Projects on Blend, click the project name to expand it, then enter a description of the update and hit "Publish Update".See More Topics

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